Funding Infiltration & Inflow (I & I) Reduction on Private Property

July 23, 2014

Private property is a major source of infiltration/inflow (I & I) entering into dedicated wastewater or sanitary sewer systems. Various efforts are underway in Wisconsin, and nationwide, to not only identify these sources, but develop remedies to reduce the amount of flow entering these systems. An important aspect of these efforts is providing financial assistance to local government for investigation and installation of best management practices. This article will explore some of the ways in which this type of work is either currently being funded, or may be funded, in the future.

In southeast Wisconsin, the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) developed a program in 2011 titled “2010-2020 Private Property Inflow and Infiltration Reduction Program.” The program is focused on developing and implementing remedies for I & I from private property sources to reduce the amount of flow that must be stored, conveyed and treated by MMSD.


The MMSD has $62 million budgeted for communities within the district over the 10-year period of the program. Each community is allocated funds based on their proportionate share of billings to the MMSD. Each community may spend up to 20% of their allocation on investigative activities, with the balance of the funds going towards the implementation of a project. It is important to understand that the actual amount allocated and dispersed to eligible communities is dependent each year on the District’s annual budgeting process and inter-municipal agreements set up prior to the start of any defined project.

The following tasks (to be completed on private property only) are eligible under MMSD’s program:

  • Disconnection of foundation drains from sanitary sewer
  • Installation of sump pumps related to above foundation drain disconnection
  • Replacement of deteriorated lateral sewers
  • Rehabilitation of deteriorated lateral sewers (i.e., CIPP lining, etc.)
  • Complete disconnection of laterals
  • Installation of privately owned storm laterals to convey stormwater
  • Inspection/investigation costs (i.e. dye testing, CCTV and flow monitoring)
  • Professional services–planning/design, preparation of bidding documents, direct project management
  • Construction inspection costs
  • Public education and outreach

Upon adoption of rule revisions anticipated in spring of 2015, the Clean Water Fund will be another resource for financial assistance for Wisconsin local units of government and sanitary districts for lateral lining work on private property. Lateral lining work on private property is considered an eligible activity under the Clean Water Fund if certain legal requirements are met. If a local unit of government or sanitary district and the homeowner(s) enters into a “limited scope maintenance easement,” the local government is allowed to assume legal rights to reline the private lateral, and thereby, be eligible for Clean Water Fund assistance. The financial assistance would be in the form of a reduced interest loan, or in the case of a municipality meeting financial hardship criteria, a grant.

raSmith has provided assistance to 22 local governments in Wisconsin, including several utility districts, with either a limited, or comprehensive, sanitary sewer evaluation study (SSES). We serve many of our clients on an ongoing basis as they have repeatedly contracted with R.A. Smith National for a continuum of services.

More Information
Visit our SSES web page to find out more about our SSES services. For more information or to discuss a project need, contact Chris Stamborski, P.E., Director of Municipal Services, at 262-317-3337.

About the Author

Chris Stamborski is raSmith's director of municipal services. With more than 15 years of experience, Chris has focused on sanitary sewer evaluation, investigation, and rehabilitation work, concentrating mainly on the identification of I&I (inflow and infiltration) sources and their subsequent rehabilitation.

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